Leaders in advanced physics research!

ETP Semra Pty Ltd

ABN: 87 001 578 883

PO BOX 100,

Canterbury, NSW, 2193,


     Incorporated in 1978, we began as a manufacturer of scientific instruments.  Our market was the scanning electron microscope (SEM) industry. Our chief product was a backscattered electron detector that changed the information the microscopes could obtain.

     Dr Robinson developed the detector while working in academia. It was in a background where world experts in the field said it would never work. His persistence paid off as he was able to demonstrate its abilities to industry. He left academia to work on its commercial exploitation.

        We also developed a product that enabled insulating and hydrated specimens to be viewed in SEMs. That meant a large number of specimens could be viewed with the depth of focus and resolution of a scanning electron microscope with the ease of preparation of an optical microscope.

     That changed the way many SEMs were used. They significantly increased demand for those microscopes. Industries found samples could be taken straight off the production line and view them for quality control. Researchers found they could look at and see features not previously possible.

     SEM manufacturers using our products significantly increased their sales.  With many different SEM manufacturers, we had to modify our equipment to suit the exacting demands for many different microscopes. That gave us industry experience the designing and manufacturing equipment to rigid demands.

         After over 35 years our interests changed. The profits from our previous manufacturing projects were used in R & D.  Some products were developed for other organizations.

         With Dr Robinson's physics background, he retained his interest in the fundamentals of physics. It seemed to him the information experts told about the frontiers of physics didn't make sense. He decided to investigate aspects of them using a background of advanced physics knowledge, common sense and good mathematical background.

         It seemed to him that stories of black holes and treating particles as waves didn't make sense. He developed his own approach and found that particle properties and behaviour could be explained by a  model in which all particles were photons of the appropriate frequency making two revolutions per wavelength.

         That model was successfully applied to all individual sub-atomic particles and the way they united to form nuclei and atoms.

         He extended the study to gravity and the universe's large scale structure .  The information is not standard model. It just gives a better match with observation using three dimensions and time, known phycical constants and principles. It matches observations better that the "experts" accepted paradigms base on the standard model and the standardly accepted interpretations of Einstein's theories of relativity. It also makes a number of experimentally testable predictions.

We published his findings in the book:

"The Common Sense Universe"

         That model was successfully applied to all  sub-atomic particles and the way they united to form nuclei and atoms. Theory is one thing. Useful applications are entirely different. One great prediction this makes is the mechanism by which solar and stellar fusion works.

     After extensive studies and many iterations, a methodology and design concept has been proposed that we believe more closely mimics the sun's fusion mechanism than current fusion projects. That is what was forwarded in our opening page. It offers opportunities not available in other fusion projects!

A product world experts said would never work. It went on to improve an industry